• The Town Code's wetlands requirements are intended to protect our fragile shoreline.
• The Planning Board in conjunction with the Conservation Advisory Committee (CAC) historically advised the Town Board whether to grant or deny permits sought by those seeking exemptions from these requirements. The Town Board, at a public hearing, would accept or reject this advice.
• The Town Board proposed to delegate its authority to grant or deny wetlands permits to the appointed Planning Board.
• The Town Board's stated goal was to reduce its workload and "streamline“ the process for applicants.
• The change was opposed by virtually every individual who spoke out at Town Hall, representatives of 11 neighborhood associations, and an editorial in the Reporter.
• The Town Board went ahead with the change regardless.
• Rather than make decisions concerning the wetlands and be accountable to voters, the Town Board has delegated its authority to the unelected Planning Board.
It’s time for a change.